The 2016 Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration

{ "title": "Communities in Control 2016 - Waleed Aly", "description": "Waleed Aly delivered the 2016 Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration at the Communities in Control conference, May 30.", "url": "https:\/\/\/watch?v=_7DeCQvE2wU", "type": "video", "tags": [], "feeds": [], "images": [ { "url": "https:\/\/\/vi\/_7DeCQvE2wU\/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360, "size": 172800, "mime": "image\/jpeg" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/vi\/_7DeCQvE2wU\/maxresdefault.jpg", "width": 1280, "height": 720, "size": 921600, "mime": "image\/jpeg" } ], "image": "https:\/\/\/vi\/_7DeCQvE2wU\/hqdefault.jpg", "imageWidth": 480, "imageHeight": 360, "code": "<iframe width=\"1920\" height=\"1080\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/_7DeCQvE2wU?feature=oembed\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "aspectRatio": 56.25, "authorName": "OurCommunityAu", "authorUrl": "https:\/\/\/user\/OurCommunityAu", "providerIcons": [ { "url": "https:\/\/\/favicon.ico", "width": 16, "height": 16, "size": 256, "mime": "image\/x-icon" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon-vfl8qSV2F.ico", "width": 16, "height": 16, "size": 256, "mime": "image\/x-icon" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_32-vflOogEID.png", "width": 32, "height": 32, "size": 1024, "mime": "image\/png" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_48-vflVjB_Qk.png", "width": 48, "height": 48, "size": 2304, "mime": "image\/png" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_96-vflW9Ec0w.png", "width": 96, "height": 96, "size": 9216, "mime": "image\/png" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_144-vfliLAfaB.png", "width": 144, "height": 144, "size": 20736, "mime": "image\/png" } ], "providerIcon": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_144-vfliLAfaB.png", "providerName": "YouTube", "providerUrl": "https:\/\/\/", "publishedTime": "2016-07-04", "license": null }
Added on 30th May 2016

"You have enemies?" Winston Churchill reportedly said. "Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." Waleed Aly probably has a few enemies, judging by how often and how strongly he stands up for what he believes in. The oration, named in Joan's honour and the first since her death, provoked, challenged and inspires at a time when we as a nation desperately need it.

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