The 2014 Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration

{ "title": "Communities in Control 2014 - The Hon Julia Gillard", "description": "The Joan Kirner Social Justice Oration 2014 The Hon Julia Gillard Former Prime Minister of Australia; Chair, Global Partnership for Education", "url": "https:\/\/\/watch?v=ORQAZiek9SI", "type": "video", "tags": [ "Community (Website Category)", "Julia Gillard (Politician)", "Politics (TV Genre)" ], "feeds": [], "images": [ { "url": "https:\/\/\/vi\/ORQAZiek9SI\/hqdefault.jpg", "width": 480, "height": 360, "size": 172800, "mime": "image\/jpeg" } ], "image": "https:\/\/\/vi\/ORQAZiek9SI\/hqdefault.jpg", "imageWidth": 480, "imageHeight": 360, "code": "<iframe width=\"1920\" height=\"1080\" src=\"https:\/\/\/embed\/ORQAZiek9SI?feature=oembed\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen><\/iframe>", "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "aspectRatio": 56.25, "authorName": "OurCommunityAu", "authorUrl": "https:\/\/\/user\/OurCommunityAu", "providerIcons": [ { "url": "https:\/\/\/favicon.ico", "width": 16, "height": 16, "size": 256, "mime": "image\/x-icon" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon-vfl8qSV2F.ico", "width": 16, "height": 16, "size": 256, "mime": "image\/x-icon" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_32-vflOogEID.png", "width": 32, "height": 32, "size": 1024, "mime": "image\/png" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_48-vflVjB_Qk.png", "width": 48, "height": 48, "size": 2304, "mime": "image\/png" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_96-vflW9Ec0w.png", "width": 96, "height": 96, "size": 9216, "mime": "image\/png" }, { "url": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_144-vfliLAfaB.png", "width": 144, "height": 144, "size": 20736, "mime": "image\/png" } ], "providerIcon": "https:\/\/\/yts\/img\/favicon_144-vfliLAfaB.png", "providerName": "YouTube", "providerUrl": "https:\/\/\/", "publishedTime": "2015-07-19", "license": null }
Added on 26th May 2014

Everybody is entitled to equal respect. Everybody should get a fair go. In this world, though, there's often a gap between people's rights and entitlements and the reality of people's lives.

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